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Syncing a Node

Option 1: Snapshot method

Downloads the data directory backed up from an existing node.

Choose the network and snapshot type, download the snapshot and extract the snapshot inside ~/.zetacored directory.


Alternative snapshots


Option 2: KYVE's KSYNC method

The following doc covers a step by step guide on how to sync a ZetaChain Mainnet node with KSYNC.

KSYNC is a tool capable of syncing blocks and state-sync snapshots from the decentralized KYVE data lake directly into Cosmos blockchain nodes. With KSYNC Cosmos validators don't need to wait for peers in order to block-sync and they don't need to search for trusted app hashes if they want to state-sync. Furthermore, state-syncing to historical heights up to genesis are possible.

More information about KSYNC can be found here: (opens in a new tab)

Install KSYNC

Install the latest KSYNC:

go install

Verify the installation:

ksync version

Configure the Node

And change the following config in the config.toml file:

db_backend = "goleveldb"

Changing the db_backend to the default goleveldb is required for now, since KSYNC does not yet support the pebbledb from ZetaChain’s dependency (opens in a new tab).

Sync the Node

ksync state-sync --binary="/path/to/zetacored" --chain-id=zetachain_7000-1 --snapshot-pool-id=11

Checking Node Health

Check Logs

To confirm that the node is working, you can watch the logs. The node should be printing INF logs like these:

4:10AM INF executed block height=3468229 module=state num_invalid_txs=1 num_valid_txs=24 server=node
4:10AM INF commit synced commit=436F6D6D697449447B5B3139332032323120323438203430203230
4:10AM INF committed state app_hash=C1DDF828CB4126E8239D92FB57006D978664911BF75FDB2606804083C4F65354 height=3468229
4:10AM INF indexed block exents height=3468229 module=txindex server=node
4:11AM INF Timed out dur=4468.382473 height=3468230 module=consensus round=0 server=node step=1

Query Node Status

You can confirm that the node is synced by querying the node status endpoint:

curl localhost:26657/status

Make sure that catching_up is false. Also, check latest_block_height and latest_block_time.