

AddToOutTxTracker adds a new record to the outbound transaction tracker. only the admin policy account and the observer validators are authorized to broadcast this message without proof. If no pending cctx is found, the tracker is removed, if there is an existed tracker with the nonce & chainID.

Authorized: admin policy group 1, observer.

message MsgAddToOutTxTracker {
	string creator = 1;
	int64 chain_id = 2;
	uint64 nonce = 3;
	string tx_hash = 4;
	common.Proof proof = 5;
	string block_hash = 6;
	int64 tx_index = 7;


AddToInTxTracker adds a new record to the inbound transaction tracker.

Authorized: admin policy group 1, observer.

message MsgAddToInTxTracker {
	string creator = 1;
	int64 chain_id = 2;
	string tx_hash = 3;
	common.CoinType coin_type = 4;
	common.Proof proof = 5;
	string block_hash = 6;
	int64 tx_index = 7;


RemoveFromOutTxTracker removes a record from the outbound transaction tracker by chain ID and nonce.

Authorized: admin policy group 1.

message MsgRemoveFromOutTxTracker {
	string creator = 1;
	int64 chain_id = 2;
	uint64 nonce = 3;


GasPriceVoter submits information about the connected chain's gas price at a specific block height. Gas price submitted by each validator is recorded separately and a median index is updated.

Only observer validators are authorized to broadcast this message.

message MsgGasPriceVoter {
	string creator = 1;
	int64 chain_id = 2;
	uint64 price = 3;
	uint64 block_number = 4;
	string supply = 5;


VoteOnObservedOutboundTx casts a vote on an outbound transaction observed on a connected chain (after it has been broadcasted to and finalized on a connected chain). If this is the first vote, a new ballot is created. When a threshold of votes is reached, the ballot is finalized. When a ballot is finalized, the outbound transaction is processed.

If the observation is successful, the difference between zeta burned and minted is minted by the bank module and deposited into the module account.

If the observation is unsuccessful, the logic depends on the previous status.

If the previous status was PendingOutbound, a new revert transaction is created. To cover the revert transaction fee, the required amount of tokens submitted with the CCTX are swapped using a Uniswap V2 contract instance on ZetaChain for the ZRC20 of the gas token of the receiver chain. The ZRC20 tokens are then burned. The nonce is updated. If everything is successful, the CCTX status is changed to PendingRevert.

If the previous status was PendingRevert, the CCTX is aborted.

Only observer validators are authorized to broadcast this message.

message MsgVoteOnObservedOutboundTx {
	string creator = 1;
	string cctx_hash = 2;
	string observed_outTx_hash = 3;
	uint64 observed_outTx_blockHeight = 4;
	uint64 observed_outTx_gas_used = 10;
	string observed_outTx_effective_gas_price = 11;
	uint64 observed_outTx_effective_gas_limit = 12;
	string value_received = 5;
	common.ReceiveStatus status = 6;
	int64 outTx_chain = 7;
	uint64 outTx_tss_nonce = 8;
	common.CoinType coin_type = 9;


VoteOnObservedInboundTx casts a vote on an inbound transaction observed on a connected chain. If this is the first vote, a new ballot is created. When a threshold of votes is reached, the ballot is finalized. When a ballot is finalized, a new CCTX is created.

If the receiver chain is ZetaChain, HandleEVMDeposit is called. If the tokens being deposited are ZETA, MintZetaToEVMAccount is called and the tokens are minted to the receiver account on ZetaChain. If the tokens being deposited are gas tokens or ERC20 of a connected chain, ZRC20's deposit method is called and the tokens are deposited to the receiver account on ZetaChain. If the message is not empty, system contract's depositAndCall method is also called and an omnichain contract on ZetaChain is executed. Omnichain contract address and arguments are passed as part of the message. If everything is successful, the CCTX status is changed to OutboundMined.

If the receiver chain is a connected chain, the FinalizeInbound method is called to prepare the CCTX to be processed as an outbound transaction. To cover the outbound transaction fee, the required amount of tokens submitted with the CCTX are swapped using a Uniswap V2 contract instance on ZetaChain for the ZRC20 of the gas token of the receiver chain. The ZRC20 tokens are then burned. The nonce is updated. If everything is successful, the CCTX status is changed to PendingOutbound.

Only observer validators are authorized to broadcast this message.

message MsgVoteOnObservedInboundTx {
	string creator = 1;
	string sender = 2;
	int64 sender_chain_id = 3;
	string receiver = 4;
	int64 receiver_chain = 5;
	string amount = 6;
	string message = 8;
	string in_tx_hash = 9;
	uint64 in_block_height = 10;
	uint64 gas_limit = 11;
	common.CoinType coin_type = 12;
	string tx_origin = 13;
	string asset = 14;
	uint64 event_index = 15;


WhitelistERC20 deploys a new zrc20, create a foreign coin object for the ERC20 and emit a crosschain tx to whitelist the ERC20 on the connected chain

Authorized: admin policy group 1.

message MsgWhitelistERC20 {
	string creator = 1;
	string erc20_address = 2;
	int64 chain_id = 3;
	string name = 4;
	string symbol = 5;
	uint32 decimals = 6;
	int64 gas_limit = 7;


Authorized: admin policy group 2.

message MsgUpdateTssAddress {
	string creator = 1;
	string tss_pubkey = 2;


Authorized: admin policy group 2.

message MsgMigrateTssFunds {
	string creator = 1;
	int64 chain_id = 2;
	string amount = 3;


CreateTSSVoter votes on creating a TSS key and recording the information about it (public key, participant and operator addresses, finalized and keygen heights).

If the vote passes, the information about the TSS key is recorded on chain and the status of the keygen is set to "success".

Fails if the keygen does not exist, the keygen has been already completed, or the keygen has failed.

Only node accounts are authorized to broadcast this message.

message MsgCreateTSSVoter {
	string creator = 1;
	string tss_pubkey = 2;
	int64 keyGenZetaHeight = 3;
	common.ReceiveStatus status = 4;


AbortStuckCCTX aborts a stuck CCTX Authorized: admin policy group 2

message MsgAbortStuckCCTX {
	string creator = 1;
	string cctx_index = 2;


RefundAbortedCCTX refunds the aborted CCTX. It verifies if the CCTX is aborted and not refunded, and if the refund address is valid. It refunds the amount to the refund address and sets the CCTX as refunded. Refer to documentation for GetRefundAddress for the refund address logic. Refer to documentation for GetAbortedAmount for the aborted amount logic.

message MsgRefundAbortedCCTX {
	string creator = 1;
	string cctx_index = 2;
	string refund_address = 3;