Apps & Services


Alchemy is a blockchain development platform that provides tools and infrastructure to build and scale decentralized applications. As a developer-focused platform, Alchemy helps companies create scalable and reliable dApps without the difficulty of managing blockchain infrastructure in-house. It simplifies the development process by offering a suite of APIs and services that enable developers to interact with blockchain networks efficiently.

One of Alchemy's standout offerings is the Alchemy Supernode, which provides a reliable and scalable way to connect and build on the ZetaChain blockchain. This ensures that developers can focus on innovation and functionality without worrying about the complexities of node management.

With Alchemy, developers can access real-time blockchain data, manage smart contracts, and monitor the performance of their dApps across various blockchains, making it a versatile choice for building robust, scalable, and secure blockchain-based applications.

Sign Up for an Alchemy Account

Go to (opens in a new tab) and sign up for an Alchemy or sign in with your existing account.

Create a New ZetaChain Project

In the Alchemy dashboard you have an overview of all projects currently set up in your account.

Click "Create new app" to name your project and give it a description.

All apps on Alchemy are multichain by default. This means that your dApp immediately has access to all available Alchemy network chains upon creation. You can view all available networks and the related API URLs in the “Networks” tab. You also have access to switch between Mainnet or Testnet, if available.

API Key and RPC Endpoints

Interactions with your Alchemy RPC instance are protected by an API key. Your API key is automatically generated for you and can be copied from the top-right of your app page.

On this page you will also find RPC Endpoints, HTTP and WSS, for all available chains. Search for the ZetaChain network and take note of the Mainnet URL. You will use this later to make a request to ZetaChain.

Connect to Alchemy

If you're starting from scratch, create a new directory and initialize an npm project:

mkdir zetachain-app
cd zetachain-app
npm init -y

Use npm to install axios. Axios is a widely-used HTTP client allowing you to make API requests.

npm install axios

Create an index.js file in your project directory and paste the code below into the file to send a request to the ZetaChain network. Make sure to replace YOUR_API_KEY with your actual API key found on your Alchemy app dashboard.

const axios = require("axios");
const url = `${YOUR_API_KEY}`;
const payload = {
  jsonrpc: "2.0",
  id: 1,
  method: "eth_blockNumber",
  params: [],
  .post(url, payload)
  .then((response) => {
    console.log("Block Number:", parseInt(;
  .catch((error) => {

Run the script with Node.js:

node index.js

You should a see the current block number on ZetaChain outputted to your console:

Block Number: 3688095

You can find the full list of JSON-RPC methods available on ZetaChain in the Alchemy Docs (opens in a new tab).